module enables transaction-dependent computation to be composed without executing the transaction or specifying the Web3 Provider until later.
The requirements for a transaction, particularly gas costs, can be checked in the client code rather than in a protocol library. This is used for benchmarking yGwei
Support for multiple architectures
import Transaction from 'fist-full-of-monads';
import * as utils from 'fist-full-of-monads/lib/utils';
var Transaction = require('fist-full-of-monads');
var utils = require('fist-full-of-monads');
const httpProvider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545');
const tx = Transaction({
options: {
from: '0xe8d3266f3c4f083ab8864b5e04aea7b087044e49',
to: '0x7967c4f4512195ba83ae8f08ca30f7b145be6cf8',
value: 1000000,
const minedTx =, provider) => utils.waitForReceipt(txhash, provider));
const gas = await minedTx.getQuickestGasEstimate(httpProvider);
.then((receipt) => {
function transferTokens(sender, to, amount) {
const web3 = new Web3();
const TokenContract = web3.eth.contract(Token.abi).at(Token.address);
const data = TokenContract.transfer.getData(to, amount);
const options = { data, from: sender, to: Token.address };
return Transaction({ options });
const tx = transferTokens(
const txhash = await tx.transact(provider);
@incollection{evoprotocol, title = {fist-full-of-monadss}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {Transactional Benchmarking in Ethereum Virtual Machine}, series = {EVO Protocol}, source = {}, }