This website is meant for creating forms and sharing them with others. It focuses on in-person form completion, i.e. sharing a QR-code and making someone scan it to access the form. It was created for an Advanced Web Programming-course at Linköpung University 2021.
- Sign in functionality (Google and E-mail/Password)
- Possibility to create forms
- Ability to scan a QR-code to access a form
- Recording form answers
- Accessing form answers
- Possibility to create form templates
- Shared editing sessions between different users
Client side: React.js, Next.js, Next-auth, Axios
Server side: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Bcrypt.js
Måns Aronsson (@mansaronsson)
Vera Fristedt Andersson (@verafristedt)
Hosted website: FORMidable
Mid-course screencast: link to video.