A procedural world made up of chunks. This was our first time implementing an OpenGL project from scratch (*cough* using GLM, GLFW and GLAD). All generation is determenistic, meaning the terrain will always look identical every time it is generated due to the use of Perlin/Simplex noise.
There are two parts of the project, co-op and solo. The main branch contains the co-op part (see report for this part here) where the basic functionality such as basic chunk generation, AABB frustum culling, level of detail and CPU-multithreading. For the second part, we had to split up due to project rules set by the university. Here, we both implemented different biomes with procudurally generated objects. Måns under branch crystal and Andreas under branch ProcuduralTrees. The following is information about the crystal branch (see report for this part here):
Three biomes - plains, desert and crystal mountains - are created, that differ in color and noise functions (vertex y-displacement).
Crystals features are varies based on simplex noise functions, with world coodinates as input. Therefore, crystals are both unique and determenistic in both looks and placements.
This is a course project at Linköping University by the M.Sc. in Media Technology and Engineering students:
- Måns Aronsson (@mansaronsson)
- Andreas Engberg (@engbergandreas)