Here you will find 20 SQL exercises that you can complete and enhance.
Add exercises: If you have a new SQL exercise that you would like to share, simply edit the corresponding file and describe the problem, and create a file for the proposed solution. You can also create more tables and relationships to make the exercises more challenging.
Corrections: If you find any errors in the existing exercises, feel free to correct them and submit a pull request.
Other possible solutions: If you have a different way of solving an existing exercise, feel free to add your solution and explain your approach.
Star the repository: If you like the project and find the exercises useful, don't forget to give the repository a star.
Questions: If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We're here to help! 🚀🌟
- Fork this repository.
- Clone your fork to your local machine.
- Make the changes you desire.
- Commit your changes and create a pull request to this repository.
We look forward to your contributions! Thank you for being part of this project! 🚀🌟