This project automatically tracks changes and adds redundant fields on references.
Redkeep runs in the background and denormalizes your references for you. Just define what you want to get denormalized, it's easy.
go get -d -u
Will install the redkeepcli client. Have a look at the example configuration to see how to configure redkeep the way you want. Let's have a look at the configuration of one watch in detail:
"trackCollection": "application.user",
"trackFields": ["name", "username"],
"targetCollection": "application.answer",
"targetNormalizedField": "meta",
"triggerReference": "user",
"behaviourSettings": {
"cascadeDelete": false
This will watch for changes in the database application and the collection user. If a new answer will be inserted with a reference to application.user the fields name and username will automatically be stored in the newly created answer as the fields and meta.username.