Programmed at RailsCamp 2018 Brisbane, Australia. Not safe for production, this is hacked together in a weekend exercise to learn how to filter bank statements into something useful for expense tracking.
Bank Import feature to read in bank transactions from qif files and assign them to accounts.
- Read in transactions
- Store in db
- Assign to accounts
- Draw a nice bar graph of expenses
- Use StimulusJS frontend
rake db:create rake db:schema:load
rake db:seed
Currently to re-filter you have to do this through the rails console
To re-filter all
- Add a new filter to;
- Optionally add any new accounts to;
- Run the seed
rake db:seed
- Run
rails c Transaction.refilter
- Use rails console
rails c
- Get sundries account
- List all debit transactions
- List all credit transactions
- Display it nicely in a table
Sort by description and pick filters to match the most
tp a.debit_trans.order(:description), {:date =>{:width=>14}}, {:description =>{:width => 50}}, :amount
Sort by amount and pick filters to match the largest amounts
tp a.debit_trans.order("amount_cents DESC"), {:date =>{:width=>14}}, {:description =>{:width => 50}}, :amount