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-- extract icu stays with at least one measurement of creatinine or urine output into kdigo_stages_measured.csv
COPY (SELECT * FROM mimiciii.kdigo_stages WHERE icustay_id IN (SELECT icustay_id FROM mimiciii.kdigo_stages WHERE (creat IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_6hr IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_12hr IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_24hr IS NOT NULL) AND aki_stage IS NOT NULL GROUP BY icustay_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 );) TO path/to/data/kdigo_stages_measured.csv WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER ';';
-- extract demographics of patients with at least one measurement of creatinine or urine output into icustay_detail-kdigo_stages_measured.csv
COPY (SELECT * FROM mimiciii.icustay_detailWHERE icustay_id IN (SELECT icustay_id FROM mimiciii.kdigo_stages WHERE (creat IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_6hr IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_12hr IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_24hr IS NOT NULL) AND aki_stage IS NOT NULL GROUP BY icustay_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 0);) TO path/to/data/icustay_detail-kdigo_stages_measured.csv WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER ';';
-- extract vitals of icu stays with at least one measurement of creatinine or urine output and an AKI label into vitals-kdigo_stages_measured.csv
COPY (SELECT * FROM mimiciii.vitals WHERE icustay_id IN (SELECT icustay_id FROM mimiciii.kdigo_stages WHERE (creat IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_6hr IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_12hr IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_24hr IS NOT NULL) AND aki_stage IS NOT NULL GROUP BY icustay_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 );) TO path/to/data/vitals-kdigo_stages_measured.csv WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER ';';
-- extract labs of icu stays with at least one measurement of creatinine or urine output and an AKI label into labs-kdigo_stages_measured.csv
COPY (SELECT * FROM mimiciii.labs WHERE icustay_id IN (SELECT icustay_id FROM mimiciii.kdigo_stages WHERE (creat IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_6hr IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_12hr IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_24hr IS NOT NULL) AND aki_stage IS NOT NULL GROUP BY icustay_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 );) TO path/to/data/labs-kdigo_stages_measured.csv WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER ';';
-- extract ventilations, vasopressor, and sedatives of icu stays with at least one measurement of creatinine or urine output and an AKI label into vents-vasopressor-sedatives-kdigo_stages_measured.csv
COPY (SELECT ve.icustay_id AS icustay_id, ve.charttime AS charttime, vent, vasopressor, sedative FROM mimiciii.vent_kdigo_stages_labs_vitals_charttime ve, mimiciii.vasopressor_kdigo_stages_labs_vitals_charttime va, mimiciii.sedatives_kdigo_stages_labs_vitals_charttime s WHERE ve.icustay_id = va.icustay_id AND ve.charttime = va.charttime AND va.icustay_id = s.icustay_id AND va.charttime = s.charttime AND ve.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustay_id FROM mimiciii.kdigo_stages WHERE (creat IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_6hr IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_12hr IS NOT NULL OR uo_rt_24hr IS NOT NULL) AND aki_stage IS NOT NULL GROUP BY icustay_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 0 ) ORDER BY ve.icustay_id, ve.charttime;) TO path/to/data/vents-vasopressor-sedatives-kdigo_stages_measured.csv WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER ';';