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File metadata and controls

155 lines (98 loc) · 5.84 KB

Deployment notes

Cluster layout

For a quick demo, I've set up a local cluster using 3 VMs:

00:50:56:20:05:9B mapr-demo-1
00:50:56:28:AB:E4 mapr-demo-2
00:50:56:2B:28:AB mapr-demo-3

And I've installed the services as follows:

service mapr-demo-1 mapr-demo-2 mapr-demo-3
ZK x x x
Webserver x
Fileserver x x x
JT x
TT x x x
Metastore x

Launch and shutdown the cluster

On each node first launch ZK:

[root@mapr-demo-1 ~]# service mapr-zookeeper start
[root@mapr-demo-1 ~]# service mapr-zookeeper qstatus

First on mapr-demo-1, to make sure CLDB master is running, then on all other nodes.

[root@mapr-demo-1 ~]# service mapr-warden start
[root@mapr-demo-1 ~]# maprcli node cldbmaster
ServerID: 6313779395051377157 HostName: mapr-demo-1

Finally check if services are running on nodes, as per service layout above:

[root@mapr-demo-1 ~]# maprcli node list -columns configuredservice,service
service                                                                  hostname     configuredservice                                                                 ip
tasktracker,cldb,fileserver,nfs,hoststats                                mapr-demo-1  tasktracker,cldb,fileserver,nfs,hoststats                               
fileserver,oozie,tasktracker,beeswax,webserver,hoststats,hue,jobtracker  mapr-demo-2  fileserver,hivemeta,oozie,tasktracker,beeswax,webserver,hoststats,hue,jobtracker
fileserver,httpfs,tasktracker,hoststats                                  mapr-demo-3  fileserver,oozie,httpfs,tasktracker,beeswax,hoststats,hue,jobtracker    

To shut down the cluster (again on each node, starting with either 2 or 3):

[root@mapr-demo-1 ~]# service mapr-warden stop [root@mapr-demo-1 ~]# service mapr-zookeeper stop

Install dependencies and app

  1. Install Hive and Hiver
  2. Prepare a volume for app
  3. Mount /mapr
  4. Install demo software on cluster

1. Install Hive and Hiver

On one node, say mapr-demo-2, install Hive and the Metastore (note: only works with Metastore not HiveServer2, for now, so if you have installed this, deactivate it):

[root@mapr-demo-2 ~]# yum install mapr-hivemetastore

And further, on this node (mapr-demo-2) edit /opt/mapr/conf/ to:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-

Then su mapr and add this to ~/.bashrc, needed for the Hive and the Hiver Python module:

export HIVE_HOME=/opt/mapr/hive/hive-0.12

... and apply changes:

[mapr@mapr-demo-2 ~]$ source ~/.bashrc

Now it's time to install the Hiver Python module:

[mapr@mapr-demo-2 ~]$ cd /tmp
[mapr@mapr-demo-2 tmp]$ git clone
[mapr@mapr-demo-2 tmp]$ cd hiver
[mapr@mapr-demo-2 tmp]$ python ./ install

... and check if it works:

[mapr@mapr-demo-2 tmp]$ echo 'import hiver' | python

If you see no output here this means good news here. Otherwise, make sure you're using the right version of Thrift for Python; you might need to build it from source.

Note: see Managing Services on a Node to remove a service from a node like so:

[root@mapr-demo-2 ~]# maprcli node services -hivemeta stop -nodes mapr-demo-2
[root@mapr-demo-2 ~]# yum remove mapr-hivemetastore
[root@mapr-demo-2 ~]# -R 

2. Prepare a volume for app

To hold the raw data and also to serve the app, you need to create a volume as so:

[root@mapr-demo-1 /] # maprcli volume create -name frdo -path /frdo -mount true

This creates a volume called frdo and mounts it at /mapr/frdo. To check how the volume is doing you can use the following command:

[root@mapr-demo-1 /] # maprcli volume info -name frdo -json

3. Mount MapR-FS

To determine which nodes are running the NFS gateway:

[root@mapr-demo-1 ~]# maprcli node list -filter "[rp==/*]and[svc==nfs]" -columns id,h,hn,svc, rp
id                   service                                    hostname     health  ip
6313779395051377157  tasktracker,cldb,fileserver,nfs,hoststats  mapr-demo-1  0

My config (to make mount permanent):

[root@mapr-demo-1 /]# cat /opt/mapr/conf/mapr_fstab
mapr-demo-1:/mapr /mapr vers=3,nolock,hard

To manually mount it (locally and in the cluster, as loopback):

[~/tmp] $ sudo mount -o vers=3,nolock,hard mapr-demo-1:/mapr /mapr

NOTE: currently only sudo mount -o vers=3,nolock,hard mapr-demo-1:/mapr/MMDemo /mapr works, check why.

To check mounts use:

[root@mapr-demo-1 /] # showmount -e

And get rid of it again (after the demo):

[root@mapr-demo-1 /]# umount /mapr

4. Install app on cluster

Get the content from both gess and FrDO. You can either copy locally using the NFS mount or freshly git clone the repos from one of the nodes into MapR-FS via a cluster NFS mount.

Once you have everything downloaded, you might need to change settings in to adapt paths such as the FrDO volume mount path or the gess install path to your environment.