Instructions to build a new release version of On the Road and deploy to Maven Central.
Ensure that you have set a CIRCLE_TOKEN environment variable.
Run the deploy script with the release and new version specified like so:
$ ./scripts/ 1.1.0 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT
Verify snapshot build was successfully deployed to Sonatype OSS Snapshots.
Login to Sonatype OSS Staging and find the newly created staging repository. Select the repository and click "Close". Enter a description and click "Confirm".
Promote artifact on-the-road-0.2
Login to Sonatype OSS Staging and find the promoted staging repository from step 2. Select the repository and click "Release". Enter a description and click "Confirm".
Release artifact on-the-road-0.2
Note: It may take up to two hours for new artifacts to appear in Maven Central.
For more information see the official Sonatype OSS Maven Repository Usage Guide.
Update the README download instructions to point to the newly released artifact. Add release notes and attach the artifact to the list of releases.