Bottleneck autoencoder that compresses vectors into smaller ones. Dimension size for compression is inputed.
execution instructions: python3 -d <dataset_path> -q <queryset_path> -od <output_dataset_filename> -oq <output_queryset_filename>
Search for the nearest neighbour of the images of the dataset using the Manhattan distance algorithm.
There are 4 searches implemented:
Heuristic searches for the original dimension dataset and the compressed one.
Approximate searches for both dimensions.
compilation instructions: $ make
execution instructions: $ ./search –d <input_file_original_space> -i <input_file_new_space> –q <query_file_original_space> -s <query_file_new_space> –k -L -ο <output_file>
Heuristic search for the 10 closest neighbours of each image of the dataset.
execution instructions: $ python3 -d Datasets/train-images-idx3-ubyte –q Datasets/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte -l1 Datasets/train-labels-idx1-ubyte -l2 Datasets/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte -o C_output.txt -EMD
For all the parts of the project the dataset used is the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits.
For the reduced dimensions, the datasets used are generated from part A of the project.