It's new version of website in a form of digital garden. Digital Garden is an online space at the intersection of a notebook and a blog
. The goal is to share knwoledge managed by application that save a content in markdown files.
- use Static Site Generator and host on dummy server
- automate deploy to dummy server via sftp
- be able to build pages using react + custom css and generate pages from Obsidian markdown files
- manage to display a snippets of code in some nice way
- make page super fast (including aprsing markdown to html on build time)
This project is using Next.js framework including TypeScript and React. To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
I'm using enviroment variables. For development purposes you can create .env
file with following content:
- NEXT_PUBLIC_GA_TRACING_CODE - Google Analitics tracking code (optional)
- NEXT_PUBLIC_DOMAIN - domain that will be used to generate sitemap.xml (optional)
- FTP_HOST - ftps server address, used to deploy generated website to dump server via ftp (optional)
- FTP_USER - ftp user (optional)
- FTP_PASSWORD - ftp password (optional)
Dependencies: nodejs, npm and git.
To run development enviroment
- Download repository
- install dependencies
npm install
- run server
npm run dev
- open in browser http://localhost:3000 to see webiste