This plugin adds some functionality on top of the jQuery UI Slider widget so that it can easily be used to select times.
- sliderOptions: use this to set the default jQuery UI slider options
- errorMessage: Selector for the element that will contain the error message if the range is over 24 hours
- timeDisplay: Selector for the element that will contain the current selected time
- submitButton: Selector for the element that will act as submit Button
- clickSubmit: The function that will be executed when the submitButton is clicked
- inputsContainer: Selector for placing inputs for start time and end time in it. Works if addInputs is true. default: '.timesliderInputsContainer'
- addInputs: if true, will add inputs for start and end dates in the element defined by property inputsContainer. default: false
- clockFormat: formats for getTime(). Available 12, 24. default: 12
- startTime: startTime and endTime values will override sliderOptions.values. Format: "hh:mm". default: null
- endTime: startTime and endTime values will override sliderOptions.values. Format: "hh:mm". default: null
- clockFormat: formats for getTime(). Available 12, 24. default: 12
- getTime: .timeslider('getTime', value) Takes an int and converts it to a Date and returns the time in hours and minutes
.timeslider uses .slider so you can still access all of the base properties