A ROS repository with the aim of performing the bin picking of screws/bolts, more generally cylindrical objects. Consists in the integration of the ABB IRB120 manipulator, Robotiq Gripper 85mm and Zivid One+ Small camera inside the MoveIt framework, with custom perception and planning algorithms to carry out the task.
This work is the result of the master thesis by Marco Bogataj and Matteo Vitali at the Mechatronics and Mechanical Dynamics Lab (MDLAB) of the University of Bergamo located inside the Kilometro Rosso innovation district (2023/2024)
This work was tested only on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic. Follow the official ROS installation instructions for your OS. Previous or future compatibility is not guaranteed.
Follow the instructions for the Zivid-ROS Driver installation. This is required for the integration of the Zivid One+ Small camera.
Follow the instructions at ABB Driver and in the ROS Wiki for the installation both on the Linux PC and the ABB controller.
If a module import error appears on the Flex Pendant interface about "LINKEDM" add MODULE LINKEDM (SYSMODULE)
in the first lines of code inside HOME/linked_m.sys
No official robotiq driver is present from ROS-I, so the gripper driver package 'robotiq_2finger_grippers' is given in the main folder of the repository, which is based and comes from the Danfoa Robotiq Driver. Head there to know more about its requisites.
Both the robotic arm and the gripper require support packages to load robot URDF model, meshes, etc. onto the parameter server and therefore work within the MoveIt framework. These are respectevely called abb_experimental
which contains folders with the IRB120 description, and robotiq_85_description
. They were slightly tuned, particularly the IRB120 URDF was modified compared to the original one inside ABB Experimental to match the End Effector orientation inside Rviz to the one in Robot Studio.
directory and copy it into the ROS \src
Finally build the project using
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin build
To perform the bin picking task open four different command line windows, and type in all the windows:
cd ~/catkin_ws && source devel/setup.bash
This is to set up the catkin environment.
Then in the first window type:
roslaunch roslaunch irb120_robotiq_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false robot_ip:=XXX.XXX.XXX.X
To connect to the robot controller locate on the network at the IP = XXX.XXX.XXX.X
To simulate only, type:
roslaunch roslaunch irb120_robotiq_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
Keep in mind that while the robotiq arm has a robot simulator, the robotiq gripper cannot be simulated with the driver provided.
To launch the zivid driver and custom samples type in a second command window:
roslaunch zivid_capture capture_no_rviz.launch
In the third window, run the point cloud processor for finding cylinder in the scene by typing:
rosrun pcl_processing screw_perception
Lastly, the bin picking manager node with:
rosrun motion_planning bin_picking_manager
Interact with this last node command window to perform actions.