Personal neovim 100% lua configuration with LSP support, autocompletion, autoformatting, improved syntax highlight and snippets.
Below the list of plugins used:
- packer (plugin manager)
- popup
- plenary
- nvim-cmp (completion engine)
- cmp-buffer
- cmp-path
- cmp-cmdline
- cmp-nvim-lsp
- cmp-nvim-lua
- cmp-luasnip
- luasnip (snippet engine)
- nvim-lspconfig
- null-ls.nvim
- telescope.nvim (fuzzy finder)
- telescope-ui-select.nvim
- nvim-treesitter
- playground
- lualine.nvim (main bottom statusline)
- Comment.nvim (commenter)
- nvim-ts-context-commentstring
- gitsigns.nvim (git information)
- nvim-tree.lua (file tree)
- nvim-colorizer.lua (show colors as text background)
- crates.nvim ( interface for
files) - alpha-nvim (dashboard)