Checkout index.html with this example bellow.
- We depend of HeadJS library to to do our magic, so add it and out function just into head of your html.
<script src="assets/vendor/headjs/dist/1.0.0/head.load.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/app.js"></script>
- After it, you nee to create an instance of the App function.
The App function can receive the following params during its instantiation:
var app = {
protocol : "",
host : "localhost",
// You can define default instances or vendors to load in every page filling this next parameters
instances : [],
vendors : []
3. In each page of your site, you can define those scripts to load or call by instances, like this:
>Instance will run after each vendor defined on current page.
each vendor entry URL, if it isn't a valid URL, is adjusted to a complete URL, so 'assets/js/main.js' will be transformed to 'http://localhost/assets/js/main.js'
- At least, if you have a footer that repeats in everything, put it there just before the </body>.
This code will load every instance and vendor that you had set.
if (typeof head === 'function' && typeof App === 'function' && typeof app !== 'undefined') {
head.load(app.getVendors(), function() {