This is a web interface to load SVGs and plot them. It features a MUCH better interface than what is currently out there (cough inkscape cough). It includes a few other pieces of tooling to make a great experice:
- svg-sort (
- applytransforms (
- axidraw driver (
Good question. Not entirely sure ;-)
I use it on a chinese axidraw knock off. Presumably it also works on the axidraw. However... I think the driver it's using
is an old version... so that needs to be updated. Though this is a tricky thing to do, as I have hacked the inkscape file. It would be best to use the pip install
version of the driver.
This project is broken into two parts:
A front end interface made in Vue. The main features are:
- Loaded an SVG
- Optimize the SVG for efficient plotting
- Properly center/pad the SVG
- Send it to be plotted (either locally, or through the network)
- Show meaningful plot progress (with UI representation)
Interface to the backend via http (Python Flask)
npm i
pip install
dependencies (ack! don't have a requirements.txt file yet!)
npm run server
(front end)
- Figure out how to distribute. PyInstaller? Electron?
- Better styling and font hierarchy (ESPECIALLY on the Prepare Page)
- Migrate plot driver to the axidraw
version - 'Download' button of optimized SVG
- Add plotter settings page (and test all the settings)
- Add multiple passes (groups... maybe abide by the tags?)
- Plot one 'selected' path (partial implemented. Not working)
- Add a way to replace text with hershey text
- Remove all unnecessary files. The python folder is basically a clone of the inkscape extensions folder.