Jonathan Seiden 7/22/2021
The Caregiver Reported Early Development Instruments is a measure of early development that is administered through an interview or survey completion by a child’s parent or primary caregiver. This program is designed to process the raw response data to calculate scores.
This package produces several scores based on input data, and supports both data collected on the Long Form and Short Form versions of CREDI. Most users will prefer to use the online scoring app which does not require the use of R in order to calculate scores, but this package is made publicly available to advanced users and those who wish to understand the multi-dimensional factor analysis process used to calculate Overall and Domain scores.
See the CREDI scoring manual for more details about score calculation.
Most users will only ever use the score
function of the CREDI package.
This is the only function in the package that is exported and converts
raw item responses into an Overall, Cognitive, Motor, Language, and
Social-Emotional scale scores which exhibit interval properties. In
addition to these scale scores, the function produces normalized
reference Z-scores and estimates of the standard error of measurement.
Standardized reference scores normalize by age and show developmental status in comparison to a reference group with advantageous home environments.
While only the score
function is exported, internal functions for
cleaning and calculating the posterior density functions that power the
CREDI scoring procedure are well commented but and have minimal
documentation. These other functions are not designed for end users
are provided for reference and explanation.
Installing the CREDI scoring app is currently only available through GitHub. Easily download and install with the below lines of code:
Below is a very simple example with three simulated children, each of
whom only had 5 Long Form questions. Note that one child is missing a
value for LF1, resulting in no score being calculated for the child
because the min_items
parameter was set to 5.
#Create a sample dataframe
dat <- data.frame(
ID = 1:3,
AGE = c(3, 5, 4),
LF1 = c(1, 0, NA),
LF2 = c(0, 0, 0),
LF3 = c(1, 0, 1),
LF4 = c(1, 1, 1),
LF5 = c(1, 0, 0)
#Score the dataframe
scored_dat <- credi::score(
data = dat,
reverse_code = FALSE,
interactive = FALSE,
min_items = 5
## Scoring 2 observations:
## | | | 0% | |=================================== | 50% | |======================================================================| 100%
#Print out domain scores:
scored_dat$scores[, c("MOT", "LANG", "SEM", "COG", "OVERALL")]
## 1 43.489 45.968 44.626 45.091 40.079
## 2 42.058 45.049 43.755 44.250 38.160