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Quick start

golddiamonds edited this page Jul 4, 2013 · 3 revisions

It is first of all important to note, that PyORPG itself is not a game, it's merely a tool/engine to create one yourself! PyORPG is only the skeleton of your game, which allows you to create your own online 2D adventure without having to program everything from scratch.

Downloading PyORPG

Both the client and the server of PyORPG is currently only available through GitHub. I will eventually create downloadable binaries, when I think it's ready.

Client is located here: Server is located here:

Running PyORPG

The server

The first thing that you must have running is the server.

I've created bash launchers for the server and client, which should simplify running these two under GNU/Linux. So if you're running GNU/Linux, all you have to do is execute within the pyorpg-server folder.

If you are running under Windows, all you have to do is use the Command Prompt to switch to the folder with the server src folder (e.g. "cd C:\git\pyorpg-server\src"). Once there, run (e.g. "python"). This will start the server.

This should start up the server, which automatically creates a game database (using SQLite). It also creates three other things within this database:

  • A sample administrator account. Username "admin" and password "admin"
  • A sample character for the above player account.
  • Two sample player classes - the warrior and the mage.

The client

If the server seems to be running fine, then you should now be able to start up the client using the located within the pyorpg-client. On Windows type 'python' within the pyorpg-client/src folder using the Command Prompt.

When greeted with the login screen, simply use the sample admin account (username "admin" and password "admin") to log in.

After choosing the "admin" character, you should now be in-game!

Map editing

If everything's been running fine thus far, then your character should be placed in the middle of nothing! (yep, that's intended).

The map that your character is in, is totally black because you haven't created anything yet - so let's do that.

Start up the map editor using the chat command called /mapeditor.

In the sidebar to the right you should now have various map editing tools. Click on "Tile" to add new tiles to your map. If you want to restrict players from moving unto certain areas, then use the "Block" tool to block the players from moving onto that certain tile.

You can change the map name under "Map Properties". Here you are also able to change what map the players are warped to, when leaving the map from the sides. Say you want to warp/transfer players to the map with the id #5 when they leave the current map on the right side, then simply change "Warp Right" to 5.

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