This programming project aims to develop a compiler for a subset of the Java programming language, called “jmm”. To make a compiler there are a few phases of compilation. First, the input file is parsed and an AST is generated. After the AST is parsed, a symbol table is generated. Finally, the OLLIR code is generated and the JASMIN code is generated from the Ollir input.
Has information about imports and the declared class
Has information about extends, fields and methods
Has information about the parameters and local variables of each method
Check that the variable names used in the code have a corresponding declaration, either as a local variable, method parameter, or class field
The operands of an operation must have types compatible with the operation
Array cannot be used in arithmetic operations
Array access is over an array
The array access index is an expression of type integer
The assignee type must match with the assignee
Expressions in conditions must return a boolean
When calling methods of the class declared in code, check that the types of arguments in the call are compatible with the types in the method's declaration
If the method doesn't exist, verify if the class extends another class and report an error if it doesn't exist. Assume the method exists in one of the superclasses and is being called correctly
When calling methods that belong to classes other than the class declared in the code, make sure the classes are being imported
The source code is read and transformed into an abstract syntax tree (AST). The AST has representations for every possible entity present in the source code.
The OLLIR code is generated from .jmm files. We created the class OllirGenerator, in which there is a function for converting each type of expression and statement. Auxiliar variables are created when necessary. We also use a Code class to create temporary variables to implement sequences of three consecutive address instructions.
The OLLIR code created earlier is used to generate the Jasmin code.
The Jasmin basic structure is being generated including the constructor, fields, and methods. Also the limit of the stack and locals is calculated based on the instructions used in each method.
Inês Guimarães
Mariana Monteiro
Marcos Ferreira
Tea Madzarac