BankOfTime is a project which allows for a cashless exchange of services between registered users. It's a modern solution which may prove to be useful when the value of traditional payment methods declines.
- Selling and buying offers
- Browsing all active offers
- Browsing my offers
- Browsing offers chosen by me
- Editing offers
- Filtering, sorting and searching offers
- Accepting or rejecting client
- Viewing my wallet
- Transaction history
- Creating profiles
- Viewing client profiles
- Administration panel
- Managing users
- Managing offers
Get the following:
- Git
- Docker deamon, ex. Docker Desktop
- DBeaver or any other software to manage database
Do the following:
Open terminal
Create a new folder named "bankOfTime":
mkdir bankOfTime && cd bankOfTime
Download frontend image:
docker pull marekkawalski/bankoftime-frontend:latest
Download backend image:
docker pull marekkawalski/bankoftime-backend:latest
Clone the repository:
git clone
Do the following:
Navigate to folder "BankOfTime"
cd BankOfTime
Start the database server:
docker compose up -d bankoftime-db
Using DBeaver or any other database management tool create a database named "BankOfTime"
Start the application using docker compose:
docker compose up
Open a web browser and navigate to: http://localhost:3000