This module provides an api to get data from Brazilian stock shares.
The truth of source is Fundamentus, a website that provides financial and fundamentalist information about companies listed on the Bovespa.
$ npm install fundamentus-unofficial-api --save
const FundamentusAPI = require('fundamentus-unofficial-api') // CommonJS
// or
import FundamentusAPI from 'fundamentus-unofficial-api' // ESM
const share = await FundamentusAPI.fetch('petr3')
- All fields are parsed to its correct data type
- i.e. '"1,78%" => 0.0178
- If a field is
, it means there is no data available from Fundamentus
ano2015: -0.0455,
ano2016: 0.9738,
ano2017: -0.0018,
ano2018: 0.5154,
ano2019: 0.2774,
ano2020: -0.3891,
ativo: 926011000000,
ativoCirculante: 112101000000,
cotacao: 19.55,
cresRec5A: 0.009,
dataUltCot: '08/05/2020',
dia: 0.0683,
disponibilidades: 33294000000,
divBrPorPatrim: 1.19,
divBruta: 351161000000,
divLiquida: 317867000000,
divYield: 0.026,
ebit: 95991000000,
ebitPorAtivo: 0.104,
ebitUltimos3Meses: 28649000000,
empresa: 'PETROBRAS ON',
evPorEbit: 5.97,
evPorEbitda: 3.6,
giroAtivos: 0.33,
liquidezCorr: 0.97,
lpa: 3.08,
lucroLiquido: 40137000000,
lucroLiquidoUltimos3Meses: 8153000000,
margBruta: 0.404,
margEbit: 0.318,
margLiquida: 0.136,
max52Sem: 33.28,
mes: 0.0483,
min52Sem: 11.05,
nroAcoes: 13044500000,
pPorAtivCircLiq: -0.5,
pPorAtivos: 0.28,
pPorCapGiro: -63.03,
pPorEbit: 2.66,
pPorL: 6.35,
pPorVp: 0.86,
papel: 'PETR3',
patrimLiq: 295541000000,
psr: 0.84,
receitaLiquida: 302245000000,
receitaLiquidaUltimos3Meses: 72628000000,
roe: 0.136,
roic: 0.11,
setor: 'Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis',
subsetor: 'Exploração e/ou Refino e Distribuição',
tipo: 'ON',
ultBalancoProcessado: '31/12/2019',
ultimos12Meses: -0.3437,
ultimos30Dias: 0.1171,
valorDaFirma: 572887000000,
valorDeMercado: 255020000000,
volMed2M: 607192000,
vpa: 22.66
const quotationHistory = await FundamentusAPI.fetchQuotationHistory('petr3')
// console.log(history)
QuotationHistory {
share: 'PETR3',
history: [
{ date: '2020-04-09', quotation: 16.86 },
returns a QuotationHistory
instance which we can manipulate to get only a specific range of timeline or quotation value using the following methods:
- last
- minDate
- maxDate
- minQuotation
- maxQuotation
const quotationHistory = await FundamentusAPI.fetchQuotationHistory('petr3')
// Returns the history range which the quotation value was, at least, R$11.43 since January 1st, 2020
const quotationHistory = await FundamentusAPI.fetchQuotationHistory('petr3')
// Returns the history in the last 10 days
const earningsHistory = await FundamentusAPI.fetchEarningsHistory('petr3')
// console.log(history)
EarningsHistory {
share: 'PETR3',
history: [
{ date: '2008-04-04', value: 0.05, type: 'DIVIDENDO', perShare: 1 },
returns a EarningsHistory
instance which we can manipulate to get only a specific range of timeline, value or by type using the following methods:
- minDate
- maxDate
- minValue
- maxValue
- filterByType
const earningsHistory = await FundamentusAPI.fetchEarningsHistory('petr3')
// Returns all the earnings of 2019
const earningsHistory = await FundamentusAPI.fetchEarningsHistory('petr3')
// Returns earnings by dividends with min value of 0.5
If you need help, want to make a suggestion or encounter a bug, please contact me: