An employment management system that allows the user to manage and follow the employees' details and manage them.
An application of object-oriented programming using python in an employment system that allows the user to:
- Add new employee.
The user can add employees & their information (age & salary).
- Print all employees.
The user can view all the employees with all their details. If no employees registered, it displays "No employees at the moment!"
- Delete by age.
The user can delete employees based on the age range by entering the boudries of the range, and all the employees within the range will be deleted.
- Update salary by name.
Typing the employee's name in the application, the user can update his salary.
- End the program.
If the user chose 5, the program terminates.
This project covers multiple concepts such as object-oriented programming, deque data structure, handling invalid input and other types of errors, and case statements in an advanced way.
Run the program, choose your desired process, and have fun ^^.