A small app to present my favorite places in Stockholm on a map
a creative collaboration with Stormy Cat |
- React
- @react-google-maps/api
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDb & Mongoose
# in the server folder
npm i
npm run start # node
npm run dev # nodemon for development purposes
#in the client folder
npm i
npm run start
The initial project was created during a "hacking day" so I learned to create a small app from scratch and stick to a MVP. The biggest "chunk" was to go through the huge documentation of the Google Maps API: it was a nice exercise to practice reading technical documentation :)
- add an admin page (with authentication) to create, update and delete locations
- write more React tests
- play with React Router a little bit
- improve the UI (especially in terms of accessibility, hover states)
- improve copywriting (maybe add some pictures)
- oh and I'd love for the user to be able to have an account and save their favorite locations!!
Marina Kinalone Simonnet |
MIT © Marina Kinalone Simonnet