Created to help sending emails created from excel reports. An example of how to use the module below.
import os
from send_reports_email import create_reports
save_location = r"~/save_test"
extension = ".xlsx"
find_file_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + r"\Downloads\"
macro_name = "Sample.sampleMacro"
file = create_reports.CreateFile(find_file_path)
create_reports.ExcelMacro(file.original_file, macro_name, save_location)
from send_reports_email import send_email
emailto = ""
subject = "Planned Giving Interest Update " + date
body = "Hello,\r\rYour file is ready!\r\r-JordanBot"
attach = save_location + extension
email = send_email.SendEmail(emailto, subject, body, attach)