Explore Fibonacci, Galois, and State Space Linear Feedback Shift Register sequence generators.
LFSR-Lab is a collection of utilities for generating, manipulating, and analyzing Linear Feedback Shift Register sequences.
In this repository you'll find:
- Python, MATLAB, and C++ implementations of all utilities
- Customizable sequence generators for Fibonacci (aka SSRG), Galois (aka MSRG), and State Space (aka SSG) LFSR formulations
- Utilities to convert between equivalent SSRG and MSRG structures
- Utilities to calculate and apply masks to shift the starting position of the pseudorandom sequence
- Utilities to perform fast propagation of LFSR state
- Python
- Python 2.7 or 3.x (x>5)
- mabplotlib
- scipy
- numpy
- MATLAB version 8 or newer (no toolboxes needed)
- GNU Octave version 4.0.0 or newer (no packages needed)
- C++
- C++11 or newer
- Self contained, no external dependencies (only standard library functions used)
- ssrg() - Generate sequences using Fibonacci formulation
- msrg() - Generate sequences using Galois formulation
- ssrg_mask() - Masked Fibonacci generator
- msrg_mask() - Masked Galois generator
- ssrg2msrg() - Convert Fibonacci to equivalent Galois LFSR
- msrg2ssrg() - Convert Galois to equivalent Fibonacci LFSR
- ssgs_jump() - Fast forward/backward Fibonacci state propagation
- ssgm_jump() -Fast forward/backward Galois state propagation
- jump2mask() - Convert a sequence jump to a Fibonacci mask
- msrg_jump2mask() - Convert a sequence jump to a Galois mask
- Python code compatible with Python 2.7 and >= 3.6
- MATLAB code compatible with MATLAB version 8 (R2012b) or newer
- MATLAB code also compatible with GNU Octave version 4.0.0 or newer
- C++ code compatible with C++11 or newer
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