An sbt plugin for generating scala bindings to C libraries
- Only outputs dotty compatible scala code
- Requires panama early access build 14-panama+1-15 or greater
- Methods, parameters, and struct members may be renamed if they are scala keywords or otherwise not workable as scala identifiers. Usually, this rename takes the form of adding an $ at the end (such as
instead ofclass
Members of C struct types are made to use scala style getters and accessors. Each member of a C-struct has 3 methods to interact with it:
member: Int
- the gettermember_=(i: Int): Unit
- the setter (used likemember = 5
)_ptrs.member: Pointer[Int]
- pointer to the address of the member
- headers: Header files to pass to jextract
- includePaths: Paths to include directories that jextraxt will need
- libraryPaths: Paths to libraries that jextract will link to
- clangOptions: Options for jextract to pass to clang
- library: Library to bind to
- libraryPackage: The java package the library bindings will be put in
- packageMappings: Mappings of include folders to java packages
- jextract: Runs the jextract command and generates java bindings for the C library
- shackle: Parses the java bindings and generates scala (dotty) bindings for the C library
//we're binding to wlroots
library := "wlroots"
//we want the wlroots bindings to be in the wlroots package
libraryPackage := "wlroots"
//my system's include directory
val includeDirectory = file("/usr/include")
//headers from wlroots that we specifically want to bind to
headers := Set(
includeDirectory / "wlr/types/wlr_output.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/backend.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/render/wlr_renderer.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/types/wlr_idle.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/types/wlr_gamma_control_v1.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/types/wlr_screencopy_v1.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/types/wlr_compositor.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/types/wlr_primary_selection_v1.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/types/wlr_xdg_shell_v6.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/types/wlr_surface.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/types/wlr_box.h",
includeDirectory / "wlr/types/wlr_matrix.h"
//resolve naming errors and conflicts in jextract by manually changing the package names corresponding to certain folders
packageMappings := Map(
file("/usr/include/wlr/backend") -> "wlroots.backend_headers",
file("/usr/include/bits/types") -> "usr.include.bits.type_headers"
//wlroots needs a special flag set to work, so we set that here
clangOptions := Set("-DWLR_USE_UNSTABLE")
//paths to headers that might be needed for jextract to make bindings
includePaths := Set(
includeDirectory / "wlr",
includeDirectory / "wayland",
includeDirectory / "pixman-1",
includeDirectory / "libxkbcommon"
) + xdgGenDir.value
//where on your system jextract should search for .so files
libraryPaths := Set(
//my wlroots binding needs the xdgShellProtocol genererated, so these tasks and settings do that
lazy val xdgShellProtocolLocation = settingKey[File]("location of xdg-shell-unstable-v6.xml on your system")
lazy val xdgProtocolGen = taskKey[File]("generates the xdg-shell-protocol.h header")
lazy val xdgGenDir = settingKey[File]("where to create the xdg headers")
xdgShellProtocolLocation := file("/usr/share/wayland-protocols/unstable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell-unstable-v6.xml")
xdgGenDir := baseDirectory.value / "include"
xdgProtocolGen := {
val logger = streams.value
import scala.sys.process.Process
val includeDir = xdgGenDir.value
val proc = Process("wayland-scanner", Seq("server-header", xdgShellProtocolLocation.value.getCanonicalPath, s"${includeDir.getCanonicalPath}/xdg-shell-unstable-v6-protocol.h")).run()
val exitCode = proc.exitValue()
if(exitCode != 0) {
sys.error("failed to generate the xdg protocol")
//now I say that jextract is dependent on the generation of the xdgProtocolHeaders
jextract := {