GitHub Action
Get Unique AWS ELBV2 Listener Rule Priority
Latest version
Without any conflict, generate random priotity for a Elastic Load Balancer Listener Rule.
For each kind of run, you will need to configure the credentials first, so consider adding the following step before each of the below approaches:
- name: Configure AWS credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws-region: ${{ env.REGION }}
For this to work, you also need a user with (at least) the following policies (hopefully in a cloud formation template):
Type: AWS::IAM::User
UserName: !Ref GitHubActionsUserName
# The permissions that the GitHub Actions deployment workflow will have
Type: AWS::IAM::Policy
- !Ref GitHubActionsUser
PolicyName: allow-github-actions-cloudformation-deploy
Version: "2012-10-17"
- Action:
- "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeRules"
Effect: Allow
Resource: "*"
- uses: licenseware/unique-elbv2-listener-rule-priority@v1
name: Get unique listerner rule priority
id: elb-priority
listener-arn: ${{ secrets.LOAD_BALANCER_LISTENER_ARN }}
- uses: aws-actions/aws-cloudformation-github-deploy@v1
name: sample-elb-priority
template: cloudformation-templates/myapp-dev.yml
no-fail-on-empty-changeset: "1"
role-arn: ${{ secrets.CLOUD_FORMATION_ROLE_ARN }}
parameter-overrides: >-
MyAppLBPriority=${{ steps.elb-priority.outputs.priorities }}
- uses: licenseware/unique-elbv2-listener-rule-priority@v1
name: Get unique listerner rule priority
id: elb-priority
listener-arn: ${{ secrets.LOAD_BALANCER_LISTENER_ARN }}
sorted: true
delimiter: " "
count: 3
- name: Get load balancer priorities
run: |
export PRIORITIES=$(echo ${{ steps.elb-priority.outputs.priorities }})
cat << EOF >> $GITHUB_ENV
MYAPP_LB_PR=$(echo $PRIORITIES | awk '{print $1}')
YOURAPP_LB_PR=$(echo $PRIORITIES | awk '{print $2}')
HISAPP_LB_PR=$(echo $PRIORITIES | awk '{print $3}')
- uses: aws-actions/aws-cloudformation-github-deploy@v1
name: sample-elb-priority
template: cloudformation-templates/myapp-dev.yml
no-fail-on-empty-changeset: "1"
role-arn: ${{ secrets.CLOUD_FORMATION_ROLE_ARN }}
parameter-overrides: >-
MyAppLBPriority=${{ env.MYAPP_LB_PR }},
YourAppLBPriority=${{ env.YOURAPP_LB_PR }},
HisAppLBPriority=${{ env.HISAPP_LB_PR }}
Name | Description | Required | Default |
listener-arn | The ARN of the ELBv2 Listener to generate the priority for. | true | |
count | The number of priorities to generate. | false | 1 |
min-priority | The minimum priority to use. | false | -1000 |
max-priority | The maximum priority to use. | false | 1000 |
max-try | The maximum number of tries to generate a unique priority. | false | 10 |
log-level | The log level to use. | false | error |
sorted | Whether to sort the resulting priorities. | false | true |
delimiter | The delimiter to use on the resulting the priorities. | false | "," |
Name | Description | Example |
priorities | Comma-separated list of generated priorities. | 1,2,3 |