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GitHub Advanced Security API to CSV


GitHub Advanced Security API to CSV


GitHub Advanced Security API to CSV

Grab code and secret scanning data from the GitHub Advanced Security API and put it into a CSV file


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: GitHub Advanced Security API to CSV

uses: advanced-security/ghas-to-csv@v0.1.1

Learn more about this action in advanced-security/ghas-to-csv

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GitHub Advanced Security to CSV

Simple GitHub Action to scrape the GitHub Advanced Security API and shove it into a CSV.


Because I really want to see this data for a repository as a time-series to understand it, and flat data doesn't support paginated APIs (yet?) ... so ... it's really an experiment.

Also ... some people just like CSV files and want to do things in spreadsheets and I'm not here to judge that. Shine on, you Excel gurus! :sparkling:


This got a little more complicated than I'd like, but the tl;dr of what I'm trying to figure out is below:

graph TD
    A(GitHub API) -->|this Action| B(fa:fa-file-csv CSV files)
    B -->|actions/upload-artifact| C(fa:fa-github GitHub)
    C -->|download| D(fa:fa-file-csv CSV files)
    C -->|flat-data| E(fa:fa-chart-line data awesomeness)

Obviously if you're only wanting the CSV file, run this thing, then download the artifacts. You're ready to rock and roll. :)

But it doesn't do THIS THING

The API docs are here and pull requests are welcome! ❤️