GitHub Action
Help utilize GitHub issue as TODO list
This is a GitHub Action to label an issue by its deadline specified with a slash command and notify when there is updates on labels. It is recommended to use in a repository for a daily life TODO list, but it might useful for software development.
Create .github/workflows/todo.yml
(any file name goes well, of course) and copy and paste following.
name: Manage TODO
- cron: '0/10 * * * *'
types: [opened, edited]
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: ikanago/issue-deadline-manager@v1
Then commit it and push to master
You can create a new repository with the setting completed. Go to issue-todo-template and create a new repository by using it as a template.
After setting up, create an issue as a TODO. And write its deadline with a slash command like this:
/deadline 2021/12/31
After a while, github-actions bot adds an label according to the deadline and comments.
The command format is /deadline ${DATE} ${TIME}
format is yyyy-MM-dd
or MM-dd
is optional. The format is HH:mm