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GitHub Action
Mypy Check
GitHub Action for mypy
Make sure you have a mypy.ini
or setup.cfg
file at the root of your repository!
Optional The path to run mypy on
Default "."
Optional Optional mypy flags (refer to mypy --help
Default ""
Optional Optional, if not empty: parameters to pass to pip install
before running mypy
Default ""
Optional Optional, if not empty: a file to pass to pip install -r
before running mypy
Default ""
Optional Optional, Python version to use
Default "3.10"
uses: jpetrucciani/mypy-check@master
# or specify a path!
uses: jpetrucciani/mypy-check@master
path: '.'
# or specify additional mypy flags!
uses: jpetrucciani/mypy-check@master
mypy_flags: '--config-file .mypy.ini'