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Next Semantic Version

Guess the next semantic version only from existing git tags and recently merged pull-requests labels
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What is it?

This is a GitHub Action that provides the github-next-semantic-version tool/feature inside a GHA Workflow. This tool guesses the next semantic version from:

  • existing git tags (read from a locally cloned git repository)
  • and recently merged pull-requests labels (read from the GitHub API)

Unlinke plenty of "similar" tools, we don't use any "commit message parsing" here but only configurable PR labels.


- uses: actions/checkout@v4
    fetch-tags: true # we need to fetch tags to determine the latest version
    fetch-depth: 0 # fetch-tags is not enough because of a GHA bug:

- id: version
  uses: fabien-marty/github-next-semantic-version-action@v1
    github-token: ${{ github.token }} # Let's use the default value of the current workflow
    repository: ${{ github.repository }} # Let's use the default value of the current workflow
    repository-owner: ${{ github.repository_owner }} # Let's use the default value of the current workflow

- name: Use results
  run: |
    echo "Latest version is ${{ steps.version.outputs.latest-version }}"
    echo "Next version is ${{ }}"


In some configurations, you will also need to add this at the job level:

  pull-requests: read
  contents: read



  • log-level: Log Level (DEBUG, INFO or WARNING), default to INFO
  • github-token: GitHub Token (in most cases, you can use ${{ github.token }} as value)
  • repository: Full repository name (example: octocat/Hello-World, in most cases, you want to use ${{ github.repository }} as value)
  • repository-owner: repository owner (example: octocat), in most cases, you want to use ${{ github.repository-owner }} as value)
  • major-labels: coma separated list of PR labels to search for determining a major release (default to: major,breaking,Type: Major)
  • minor-labels: coma separated list of PR labels to search for determining a minor release (default to: minor,Type: Minor, Type: Feature)
  • ignore-labels: coma separated list of PR labels to search for ignoring a PR (default to: Type: Hidden), can be useful with dont-increment-if-no-pr option
  • dont-increment-if-no-pr: Do not increment if no PR found (or only ignored PRs), default to false, can be useful to determine automatically if a release is needed
  • consider-also-non-merged-prs: If set to true (default to false), consider also "non merged" PRs to compute the next version
  • tag-regex: If set, filter tags with the given regex

Next Semantic Version is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Guess the next semantic version only from existing git tags and recently merged pull-requests labels

Next Semantic Version is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.