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GitHub Action

Publish Release Assets to Asset Transparency Log


Publish Release Assets to Asset Transparency Log


Publish Release Assets to Asset Transparency Log

Verify assets in a GitHub release against the Asset Transparency Log


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Publish Release Assets to Asset Transparency Log

uses: transparencylog/publish-releases-asset-transparency-action@v10

Learn more about this action in transparencylog/publish-releases-asset-transparency-action

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Action to Publish and Verify Release Assets into Asset Transparency Log

This action adds all release assets for a project release on GitHub to the Asset Transparency Log.

You or your users can then later verify GitHub is delivering the correct content to them using Asset Transparency aware tools like tl get or tl verify.

Encouraging your users to Asset Transparency log clients, like tl, provides an additional protection to your users against attacks that might modify release binaries or source code (e.g. GitHub account compromise, man in the middle, etc)

If you aren't familiar with release assets they are this section on a GitHub release page it is the page that looks like this:

screenshot of





The list of verified URLs


The list of URLs that failed to match the asset logs digest

Example Workflow

See example workflow