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GitHub Action

Render TYPO3 Documentation


Render TYPO3 Documentation


Render TYPO3 Documentation

Use the up-to-date docker rendering workflow to render TYPO3 rst documentation with Sphinx


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Render TYPO3 Documentation

uses: TYPO3-Documentation/gh-render-action@0.0.5

Learn more about this action in TYPO3-Documentation/gh-render-action

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TYPO3 Documentation Rendering

Render documentation with the official TYPO3 Documentation rendering container.


You will have to have a Documentation folder in your working directory. Then:

      - name: Render documentation
        uses: TYPO3-Documentation/gh-render-action@<version>
        id: rendering
        # Optional configuration:
        # with:
          # if you are not rendering the current repository but a different one
          # enter the repository_url here:
          # repository_url:
          # if you want to render a branch different from the current branch enter the name: 
          # source_branch: 'main'
          # this is the directory name in the final folder structure used to contain this 
          # version of the repository. If not given, the source branch name is used.
          # target_branch_directory: 'latest'

      - name: Publish archive with result
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
          name: Rendered
          path: ${{ steps.rendering.outputs.renderedPath }}

As you can see the actions provides the output path as output to use in further steps.