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GitHub Action

Run Runbook in Octopus Deploy


Run Runbook in Octopus Deploy


Run Runbook in Octopus Deploy

GitHub Action to run a runbook in Octopus Deploy


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Run Runbook in Octopus Deploy

uses: OctopusDeploy/run-runbook-action@v1.0.1

Learn more about this action in OctopusDeploy/run-runbook-action

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This is a GitHub Action will run a runbook in Octopus Deploy. It requires the Octopus CLI; please ensure to include install-octopus-cli-action in your workflow (example below) before using this GitHub Action.


Incorporate the following actions in your workflow to push a package to Octopus Deploy using an API key, a target instance (i.e. server), and a project:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - name: Install Octopus CLI πŸ™
    uses: OctopusDeploy/install-octopus-cli-action@v1.1.6
      version: latest
  - name: Run a runbook in Octopus Deploy πŸ™
    uses: OctopusDeploy/run-runbook-action@v1.0.0
      api_key: ${{ secrets.API_KEY }}
      environments: "Test Environment"
      project: "Test Project"
      runbook: "Test Runbook"
      server: ${{ secrets.SERVER }}
      show_progress: "true"

Here's an example that provides a username and password to authenticate to Octopus Deploy:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - name: Install Octopus CLI πŸ™
    uses: OctopusDeploy/install-octopus-cli-action@v1.1.6
      version: latest
  - name: Run a runbook in Octopus Deploy πŸ™
    uses: OctopusDeploy/run-runbook-action@v1.0.0
      environments: "Test Environment"
      password: ${{ secrets.PASSWORD }}
      project: "Test Project"
      runbook: "Test Runbook"
      server: ${{ secrets.SERVER }}
      show_progress: "true"
      username: ${{ secrets.USERNAME }}

Action Inputs

The following input is required:

Name Description
project The name or ID of the project associated with this runbook.

The following inputs are optional:

Name Description Default
api_key The API key used to access Octopus Deploy. This value is required if credentials (username and password) are unspecified. API-GUEST may be used if the guest account is enabled. It is strongly recommended that this value retrieved from a GitHub secret.
cancel_on_timeout Cancel the deployment if deployment_timeout is exceeded (default: 10 minutes). false
config_file The path to a configuration file of default values with one key=value per line.
debug Enable debug logging. false
environments A comma-delimited list of environments in Octopus Deploy in which to run (i.e. "Dev,Test,Prod").
exclude_machines A comma-separated list of machine names to exclude in the deployed environment. If empty, all machines in the environment will be considered.
force_package_download Force download of installed packages. false
guided_failure Use Guided Failure mode. false
ignore_ssl_errors Ignore certificate errors when communicating with Octopus Deploy. Warning: enabling this option creates a security vulnerability. false
log_level The log level; valid options are verbose, debug, information, warning, error, and fatal. debug
no_raw_log Print the raw log of failed tasks. false
no_run_after The time at which scheduled runbook run should expire, specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.
password The password to used to authenticate with Octopus Deploy. It is strongly recommended to retrieve this value from a GitHub secret.
proxy The URL of a proxy to use (i.e.
proxy_password The password used to connect to a proxy. It is strongly recommended to retrieve this value from a GitHub secret. If proxy_username and proxy_password are omitted and proxy is specified, the default credentials are used.
proxy_username The username used to connect to a proxy. It is strongly recommended to retrieve this value from a GitHub secret.
raw_log_file Redirect the raw log of failed tasks to a file.
run_at The time at which runbook run should start (scheduled run), specified as any valid DateTimeOffset format, and assuming the time zone is the current local time zone.
runbook The name or ID of the runbook. If the name is supplied, the project input value must also be specified.
run_check_sleep_cycle The length of time that should elapse between runbook run status checks (format: HH:MM:SS). 00:00:10
run_timeout The maximum length of time that the console session will wait for the runbook run to finish. Note: This will not stop the run. This input requires the wait_for_run input value to be true (format: HH:MM:SS). 00:10:00
server The base URL hosting Octopus Deploy (i.e. It is recommended to retrieve this value from an environment variable.
show_progress Show progress of the runbook. false
skip Skip a step by name.
snapshot The name or ID of the snapshot to run. If not supplied, this action will attempt to use the published snapshot.
space The name or ID of a space within which this command will be executed. If omitted, the default space will be used.
specific_machines A comma-separated list of machine names to target in the deployed environment. If not specified all machines in the environment will be considered.
tenant Create a deployment for the tenant with this name or ID; specify this argument multiple times to add multiple tenants or use a wildcard (*) to deploy to all tenants who are ready for this release (according to lifecycle).
tenant_tag Create a deployment for tenants matching this tag; specify this argument multiple times to build a query/filter with multiple tags.
timeout A timeout value for network operations (in seconds). 600
username The username used to authenticate with Octopus Deploy. You must provide api_key or username and password. It is strongly recommended to retrieve this value from a GitHub secret.
variable Values for any prompted variables (format: Label:Value). For JSON values, embedded quotation marks should be escaped with a backslash.
wait_for_run Indicates whether or not to wait synchronously for deployment to finish. false