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Send notification from slack to Github

GitHub Action for sending notification from github workflow to slack
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This action can be used send notifications of github workflows to slack

Why slack

Slack is a powerful team collaboration tool that enhances communication and productivity. It integrates with various apps and services, allowing for seamless workflow automation and centralized information sharing. Slack's real-time messaging, file sharing, and customizable notifications keep teams connected and organized, whether working remotely or in the office


  • Ensure to have a slack account and have admin access there to create a bot.

  • How to do it will be available in file

  • Configure your slack token as a secret named SLACK_TOKEN

  • Pass your slack token in the workflow

Input parameters

Input Description Required
channel_id Slack channel Id. ✔️
bot_name slack bot name ✔️
file_name files to be uploadded to slack channel. more than one can be provided as a comma seperated value ✔️

What it does


  • This automation intends to use GitHub workflows to send communication to slack.

  • The communications can be either files, or messages

  • A GitHub workflow will be triggered with necessary input params and that can upload a file or a message to the specific Slack channel as a bot.

  • The file can be of any type a json file, an image, an Excel or a xml. It Doesnt matter as long as you provide right name.

General Usage

    - name: send slack notification
      uses: devwithkrishna/send-notifications-to-slack-from-github@v1.0.0
        channel_id: "your channel id here" 
        bot_name: "your bot name here"
        file_name: "your file to be uploaded here. more than 1 seperate by comma"

Sending multiple files to slack

    - name: send slack notification
      uses: devwithkrishna/send-notifications-to-slack-from-github@v1.0.0
        channel_id: "C07EUSM8EVS" 
        bot_name: "demo-bot"
        file_name: "new/github-slack.jpg, data.json, data1.csv, abc/demo.txt"
  • This will send the file named github-slack.jpg inside folder new, data.json and sata1.csv in workspace, and demo.txt inside abc folder to the slack channel with id C07EUSM8EVS

  • Make sure you pass slack token for authentication

  SLACK_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SLACK_TOKEN }}


Send notification from slack to Github is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


GitHub Action for sending notification from github workflow to slack

Send notification from slack to Github is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.