Test and Analyze with Triggers and SonarCloud
- node_version is now required (previously defaulted to 16)
- sonar_comment_token has been removed (ignored by SonarCloud)
- sonar_project_token has been renamed sonar_token
This action runs tests, dependent on triggers, optionally sending results and coverage to SonarCloud. Test and SonarCloud can be configured to comment on pull requests or stop failing workflows.
Conditional triggers are used to determine whether tests need to be run. If triggers are matched, then the appropriate code has changed and should be tested. Tests always run if no triggers are provided. Untriggered runs do little other than report a success.
Only nodejs (JavaScript, TypeScript) is supported by this action. Please see our Java action or upcoming Python action as required.
- uses: bcgov-nr/action-test-and-analyse@main
### Required
# Commands to run tests
# Please configure your app to generate coverage (coverage/lcov.info)
commands: |
npm ci
npm run test:cov
# Project/app directory
dir: frontend
# Node.js version
# BREAKING CHANGE: previously defaulted to 16 (LTS)
node_version: "20"
### Typical / recommended
# Sonar arguments
# https://docs.sonarcloud.io/advanced-setup/analysis-parameters/
sonar_args: |
-Dsonar.projectKey=bcgov_${{ github.repository }}
# Sonar token
# Available from sonarcloud.io or your organization administrator
# BCGov uses https://github.com/BCDevOps/devops-requests/issues/new/choose
# Provide an unpopulated token for pre-setup, section will be skipped
description: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
# Bash array to diff for build triggering
# Optional, defaults to nothing, which forces a build
triggers: ('frontend/')
### Usually a bad idea / not recommended
# Overrides the default branch to diff against
# Defaults to the default branch, usually `main`
diff_branch: ${{ github.event.repository.default_branch }}
# Repository to clone and process
# Useful for consuming other repos, like in testing
# Defaults to the current one
repository: ${{ github.repository }}
# Branch to clone and process
# Useful for consuming non-default branches, like in testing
# Defants to empty, cloning the default branch
branch: ""
# Bash array of events for limiting triggers, otherwise trigger automatically
# E.g. ("pull_request" "push" "workflow_dispatch")
# Defaults to only using triggers with pull requests
triggers_event: "('pull_request')"
Run tests and provide results to SonarCloud. This is a full workflow that runs on pull requests, merge to main and workflow_dispatch. Use a GitHub Action secret to provide ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}.
The specified triggers will be used to decide whether this job runs tests and analysis or just exists successfully.
Create or modify a GitHub workflow, like below. E.g. ./github/workflows/tests.yml
Note: Provde an unpopulated SONAR_TOKEN until one is provisioned. SonarCloud will only run once populated, allowing for pre-setup.
name: Test and Analyze
- main
- ".github/**"
- "**.md"
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: Test and Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- uses: bcgov-nr/action-test-and-analyse@main
commands: |
npm ci
npm run test:cov
dir: frontend
node_version: "20"
sonar_args: |
sonar_token: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
triggers: ('frontend/' 'charts/frontend')
No triggers are provided so tests will always run. SonarCloud is skipped.
name: Test and Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- uses: bcgov-nr/action-test-and-analyse@main
commands: |
npm ci
npm run test:cov
dir: frontend
node_version: "20"
Test and analyze projects in multiple directories in parallel. This time repository
and branch
are provided. Please note how secrets must be passed in to composite Actions using the secrets[matrix.variable] syntax.
name: Test and Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
dir: [backend, frontend]
- dir: backend
triggers: ('frontend/' 'charts/frontend')
- dir: frontend
triggers: ('backend/' 'charts/backend')
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: bcgov-nr/action-test-and-analyse@main
commands: |
npm ci
npm run test:cov
dir: ${{ matrix.dir }}
node_version: "20"
sonar_args: |
-Dsonar.projectKey=bcgov-nr_action-test-and-analyse_${{ matrix.dir }}
sonar_token: ${{ secrets[matrix.token] }}
triggers: ${{ matrix.triggers }}
repository: bcgov/quickstart-openshift
branch: main
SonarCloud project tokens are free, available from SonarCloud or your organization's aministrators.
For BC Government projects, please create an issue for our platform team.
After sign up, a token should be available from your project on the SonarCloud site. Multirepo projects (e.g. backend, frontend) will have multiple projects. Click Administration > Analysis Method > GitHub Actions (tutorial)
to find yours.
E.g. https://sonarcloud.io/project/configuration?id={}&analysisMode=GitHubActions
Triggers are used to limit test running to only appropriate files are changed. This is generally not desirable outside of pull requests, so triggers_event
defaults to ("pull_request")
. Override this behaviour by specifying a bash array using any of the many, many event types GitHub provides, e.g. ("branch_protection_rule" "workflow_dispatch" "push")
Please contribute your ideas! Issues and pull requests are appreciated.
Test and Analyze with Triggers and SonarCloud is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.