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GitHub Action

Wait For Check


Wait For Check


Wait For Check

Wait for another GitHub check to complete


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Wait For Check

uses: fountainhead/action-wait-for-check@v1.1.0

Learn more about this action in fountainhead/action-wait-for-check

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GitHub Action: Wait for Check

A GitHub Action that allows you to wait for another GitHub check to complete. This is useful if you want to run one Workflow after another one finishes.

Example Usage

      - name: Wait for build to succeed
        uses: fountainhead/action-wait-for-check@v1.1.0
        id: wait-for-build
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          checkName: build
          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }}

      - name: Do something with a passing build
        if: steps.wait-for-build.outputs.conclusion == 'success'

      - name: Do something with a failing build
        if: steps.wait-for-build.outputs.conclusion == 'failure'


This Action accepts the following configuration parameters via with:

  • token


    The GitHub token to use for making API requests. Typically, this would be set to ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}.

  • checkName


    The name of the GitHub check to wait for. For example, build or deploy.

    IMPORTANT: If the check you're referencing is provided by another GitHub Actions workflow, make sure that you reference the name of a Job within that workflow, and not the name the Workflow itself.

  • ref

    Default: github.sha

    The Git ref of the commit you want to poll for a passing check.

    PROTIP: You may want to use github.event.pull_request.head.sha when working with Pull Requests.

  • repo

    Default: github.repo.repo

    The name of the Repository you want to poll for a passing check.

  • owner

    Default: github.repo.owner

    The name of the Repository's owner you want to poll for a passing check.

  • timeoutSeconds

    Default: 600

    The number of seconds to wait for the check to complete. If the check does not complete within this amount of time, this Action will emit a conclusion value of timed_out.

  • intervalSeconds

    Default: 10

    The number of seconds to wait before each poll of the GitHub API for checks on this commit.


This Action emits a single output named conclusion. Like the field of the same name in the CheckRunEvent API Response, it may be one of the following values:

  • success
  • failure
  • neutral
  • timed_out
  • action_required

These correspond to the conclusion state of the Check you're waiting on. In addition, this action will emit a conclusion of timed_out if the Check specified didn't complete within timeoutSeconds.