This repo is a fork of the stateful Fuzzer AFLNet, developed to cope efficiently with stateful systems.
Meaning of state numbers:
- 1: ACK (Acknowledge)
- 3: OPN (Open Secure Channel)
- >3: Secure Channel NodeID (different message types that can be sent over secure channels, see for a list)
Negative numbers represent errors:
- -1 = unknown message type (FreeOpcUa seems to respond with garbage data after having received a close request; but this might also be a fault caused by the abstraction function)
- -2 = OPC UA Error (
This version of AFLNet allows the user to export the state model of the system by integrating the labels in the edges.
The old graph:
The new graph:
AFLNet only supports known protocols. This version implements a TEST version that allows processing the requests and responses of custom software.
For example:
./afl-fuzz -d -i ./input -o output -N tcp:// -P TEST -D 10000 -q 3 -s 3 -E -R ./my_program
allows to read from the input folder the messages to send to my_program and interprets the messages received from the program as response codes
The extension saves the labels into the "key" field. If you want to show the label, you need to change "key" to "label". Also, .dot files don't like spaces (" ") at the end of a label, so try to get rid of them.
AFLNet is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
AFLNet is an extension of American Fuzzy Lop written and maintained by Michał Zalewski <>. For details on American Fuzzy Lop, we refer to
- AFL: Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Released under terms and conditions of Apache License, Version 2.0.