Version 2.0 LibGDX re-write of java-game-of-generals
- Implement screens
- Splash screen
- Loading screen
- Main menu screen
- Game screen
- Implement game engine
- Implement game ui
- Implement game modes
- Single player
- Online multiplayer
- Temporary Socket Server with for development
- Training mode
- Implement AI
- Implement dumb AI
- Implement minimax AI
- Implement minimax algorithm with an imperfect information (does not collect true piece engagement evaluation)
- Implement AI debugger window
- Fix game synchronicity
- Wait for stage Actor actions to finish before relaxing turn
- Improve game performance
- Implement JUnit 5 tests on critical classes
- Add in-game visual fx
- Improve game UI
- Implement player profiling
- Implement game leaderboard
- Set up game server
- Implement online multiplayer lobby
- Launch game in PlayStore