Due to the fact that I am unable to constantly keep up with Windows' ever-growing set of self-protection and monitoring tools, I decided to abandon the project. There is a much better and reliable post-install toolkit I'd recommend - tronscript
This is a small set of scripts which allow for downloading a set of packages. It's mainly desgined for personal use, but this does not mean it cannot be modified for wide-spread use.
These only require Windows 10.
Since you won't be able to use git during the starting procedure, I recommend downloading the repo over HTTPS. You should copy it to your home directory (removing the -master sufix).
Then, just fire up an administrative powershell and:
cd ~
cd WinConf
- Autohotkey - Allows for powerful windows scripting.
- Chocolatey - The Windows Package Manager
This project is licensed under the GLPv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Like in all my README's, a thanks to PurpleBooth for her README.md template. I suck at these :(
- A thank you to alirobe and Disassembler0 for their collective work on the reclaimWindows10.ps1 script