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Markus Liljergren edited this page May 26, 2020 · 30 revisions

Tasmota for Hubitat Elevation


Tasmota for Hubitat Elevation is the first holistic approach to integrating Tasmota devices to Hubitat in a consistent and approachable way. Developed by a professional developer with a Master in Computer Science, it offers an unprecedented level of integration between two very powerful platforms, Tasmota and Hubitat. Tasmota for Hubitat Elevation (aka T4HE) offers the following advantages, among others:

  1. T4HE will automatically discover all the attributes of a device and configure child drivers for each device. For example, a power outlet with two separate switches will each get its own child device that can be turned on/off independently. T4HE takes all the guesswork out of device driver selection by doing all the work for you.
  2. T4HE performs a presence check on Tasmota devices. This “presence” attribute indicator is accessible in Hubitat and could be used to generate events, actions or alerts if a device goes offline.
  3. T4HE does not use any form of polling so it has very little impact on the performance of the hub.
  4. T4HE synchronizes key information with Tasmota such as device name and time zone.
  5. T4HE exposes many useful Tasmota attributes such as uptime, Wifi, module, presence and power stats (if available) in a consistent manner across all devices.

Quick Links


New devices

If you want to have a new devices added to the Device Configuration dropdown. Then find the device in Tasmota Template Repository and if it's not there yet, add it. When you have the direct link to the device, report the name of the device and the link on the community release thread and the device will probably be added.




  1. "Your idea is stupid and slow and I don't like it" - Don't use the code
  2. "Your app/driver is crashing my Hub. I submitted a support ticket" - Don't do that, the fine folks at Hubitat Inc. do NOT maintain this code. This software is given free of charge with no support, implied or otherwise. I may still help...
  3. "The latest update broke it, FIX IT" - I do this for fun, please don't make it un-fun.
  4. "I have a great idea for a feature" - Go ahead and post it, I might get around to it...
  5. "You ignored my great idea" - See #2
  6. "I hate you for getting my hopes up, your app/driver is awful/buggy/stupid" - Ok, please write a better one so I can use it
  7. "Please fix your code, it's broken" - I write this because I enjoy coding. I will continue to support and provide updates as long as that remains the case.
  8. "I stole your code and made it soooo much better" - Thanks. Please post it so I can start using it.
  9. "You are awfully sarcastic, I don't like you" - That's ok, I don't need you to
  10. "Are you serious with the FAQ?" - Kind of, I like input and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, behave and this remains fun for us all.

(thank you thomas.c.howard on the HE forum for the original FAQ this one was based on)

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