An utility to generate a Tiddlywiki file based on folders and files on the file system. For every file a new Tiddler will be generated. The name of the folders are used as tags for the corresponding Tiddlers. Text and Markdown files will be directly imported into the TiddlyWiki. PDFs, Images etc. only linked within the TiddlyWiki. How to use Text and Markdown files inside the TiddlyWiki can be controlled using a Front Matter Block. See blow for further details.
It uses the following frameworks:
- Apache Commons Virtual File System
Uses to walk through the file system. Released unter Apache 2.0 licence. - Apache Freemarker:
A template engine used to generate the TiddlyWiki file. Released unter Apache 2.0 licence. - Apache Tika:
A library to parse and retrieve document contents and meta data. The framework was extended with a YAML Front Matter Parser. Released unter Apache 2.0 licence. - EsotericSoftware Yamlbeans
A library to parse YAML blocks in text. Released unter MIT licence.
The project contains the following modules
Module | Description |
tiddlywiki-common | cross-cutting functionality |
tiddlywiki-core | TiddlyWiki business objects, file system analysis and wiki generation process. |
- Download and extract the distribution to a folder on your target system.
The final distribution contains the following structure and files:
|---- tw
|---- default-template.html
|----- bimalo-tiddlywiki-XXX.jar
Option: Create a symbolic link
$ cd INSTALL_DIR/bin $ sudo ln -s INSTALL_DIR/bin/tw /usr/local/bin/tw
The symbolic link allows to call the generator only with the command tw
anywhere on your machine.
./tw -rootFolder= -templateFile= -resultFile=
Parameter | Description |
rootFolder | The absolute or relative path to the folder containing the content. Default: Use the current folder. |
templateFile | The absolute or relative path to a template file. Default: Lookup for file default-template.html in the current folder or classpath. |
resultFile | The absolute or relative path to the result file. Default: Write the file index.html to the current folder. |
maxLevel (optional) | Defines the maximum level walking trough the file system hierarchy. Default: Lookup the complete hierarchy of folders. |
includePattern (optional) | Defines a regular expression to select files. Default: Select all files and folders. |
As alternative you can put all parameters in a config file and provide the path to the config file when invoking the generator. The config file needs .properties
as extension. See the following example:
Specify the rootFolder, the template file and where to write the result file.
$ tw -rootFolder=$HOME/documents -templateFile=blog-template.html -resultFile=$HOME/blog.html
In this case it starts traversing the file system starting with $HOME/documents. It creates a Tiddler for every file, like PDF etc.. It uses the TiddlyWiki template blog-template.html. This file will be found in the current folder or classpath. The result file will be written to $HOME/blog.html.
Only specify argument includePattern.
$ tw includePattern=".*\.(pdf|md)"
It starts traversing the file system in the current folder. It searches for the file default-template.html in the current folder and classpath. Furthermore it creates a Tiddler for PDF and Mardown files only. The result file will be named index.html and written to the current folder.
Start with no argument
$ tw
It starts traversing the file system in the current folder. It searches for the file default-template.html in the current folder and classpath. It creates a Tiddler for every file, like PDF etc.. The result file will be named index.html and written to the current folder.
Any text file that contains a YAML front matter block will be processed by this utility as a special file. The front matter must be the first thing in the file and must take the form of valid YAML set between triple-dashed lines. Here is a basic example:
title: How to install Elasticsearch as single node on CentOS 7
keywords: [Monitoring, elastic]
Between these triple-dashed lines, you can set predefined variables (see below for a reference) or even create custom ones of your own. These variables will used to configure the Tiddlers.
There are a number of predefined global variables that you can set in the front matter of a page or post.
Variable | Description |
title | The title for the Tiddler. |
description | A detailed human readable explanation for the Tiddler. |
creator | The author/creator of the Tiddler. |
keywords | A list of keywords or tags used to classify the Tiddler. |
default | yes or no to indicate this is a default Tiddler. |
hide | yes or not to control the Tiddler should be hidden or not in the result file. |
Freemarker Template engine is used to generate the TiddlyWiki file. So you can create your own template file. Download an empty TiddlyWiki file from the homepage and use Freemarker syntax to customize the template. The following variables can be used in the template:
Variable | Description |
title | The title for the TiddlyWiki. |
subTitle | The sub-title for the TiddlyWiki. |
defaultTiddlers | All Tiddlers that should be displayed, when opening the TiddlyWiki. |
rootTiddlers | A hierachial list of Tiddlers. |
See the following example to display all Tiddlers:
<#macro tiddlersgenerator tiddlers>
<#if tiddlers??>
<#local currentTime = .now>
<#list tiddlers as tiddler>
<#local tags="">
<#list tiddler.tags as tag>
<#if tag?is_last>
<#local tags=tags + "[[" + tag + "]]">
<#local tags=tags + "[[" + tag + "]]" + " ">
<#if tiddler.contentType?? && (tiddler.contentType?string?contains("pdf") || tiddler.contentType?string?contains("jpg") || tiddler.contentType?string?contains("jpeg") || tiddler.contentType?string?contains("png") || tiddler.contentType?string?contains("gif"))>
<div _canonical_uri="${tiddler.path}" created="${tiddler.createDate?string["yyyyMMddHHmmssS"]}" modified="${tiddler.lastModifyDate?string["yyyyMMddHHmmssS"]}" tags="${tags}" title="${tiddler.title}" type="<#if tiddler.contentType??>${tiddler.contentType}</#if>">
<div created="${tiddler.createDate?string["yyyyMMddHHmmssS"]}" modified="${tiddler.lastModifyDate?string["yyyyMMddHHmmssS"]}" tags="${tags}" title="${tiddler.uniqueTitle}" type="<#if tiddler.contentType??>${tiddler.contentType}</#if>">
<pre><#if tiddler.text??>${tiddler.text}</#if></pre>
<#if tiddler.tiddlers??>
<@tiddlersgenerator tiddlers=tiddler.tiddlers/>
The possible attributes of a Tiddler can be obtained by the javadoc for de.bimalo.tiddlywiki.Tiddler. A complete example is delivered by the distribution in the file default-template.html.
mvn install
mvn install -Psourcecheck
mvn package
Note: The distribution will be generated automatically with the assembly plugin and is available in the /target folder.
Clone git repository
Checkout branch
.git fetch origin git checkout develop git pull
Set version number
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<release-version-number> -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -o git add . git commit -m "Bumped version number to <release-version-number>" git tag -a <release-version-number>
Set next version number
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<next-snapshot-version-number> -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -o git add . git commit -m "Bumped version number to <next-snapshot-version-number>"
Push all commits and tags
git push origin master git push origin --tags <release-version-number>