Clone this repo into a new project folder and run install script.
With npm
$ git clone new-project
$ cd new-project
$ npm install
Start with Elm debug tool with either
$ npm start
$ npm start --nodebug
the --nodebug
removes the Elm debug tool. This can become valuable when your model becomes very large.
Open http://localhost:3000 and start modifying the code in /src.
(An example using Routing is provided in the navigation
Build production assets (js and css together) with:
npm run prod
Just add to src/assets/
and the production build copies them to /dist
elm-test init
is run when you install your dependencies. After that all you need to do to run the tests is
yarn test
Take a look at the examples in tests/
If you add dependencies to your main app, then run elm-test --add-dependencies
Elm-analyse is a "tool that allows you to analyse your Elm code, identify deficiencies and apply best practices." Its built into this starter, just run the following to see how your code is getting on:
$ npm run analyse
$ circleci local execute --job build
This project is based on this template:
webpack-serve --hot --colors --port 3000
webpack-serve --hot --host= --port 3000
Enable webpack's Hot Module Replacement feature--host=
- enable you to reach your dev environment from another device - e.g your phone--port 3000
- use port 3000 instead of default 8000- inline (default) a script will be inserted in your bundle to take care of reloading, and build messages will appear in the browser console.