alluvium guides you through your keybindings and modes in i3 as you enter them. It is
heavily inspired by remontoire and reuses
its comment syntax in the i3/config
file to learn about keybindings, modes and their
Default overlay | After entering Settings mode | After entering Session mode |
Install alluvium, for example via pip install alluvium
, and run it manually. It will
connect to i3 and show your bindings - if you put remontoire annotations into your config.
To use alluvium in i3, ensure that the alluvium
executable is callable by i3. So if you
installed it in pyenv, you might need to put a symlink to $(pyenv which alluvium)
your .local/bin
, so that i3 can find the executable without knowing about pyenv.
## Launch // Toggle alluvium // <> ? ##
bindsym $mod+Shift+question $run alluvium --toggle
## Settings // Enter Settings Mode // <> F11 ##
mode "Settings" {
## Settings // Control Center // c ##
bindsym c exec gnome-control-center; mode "default"
## Settings // Display // d ##
bindsym d exec gnome-control-center display; mode "default"
## Settings // Wifi // w ##
bindsym w exec gnome-control-center wifi; mode "default"
## Settings // Bluetooth // b ##
bindsym b exec gnome-control-center bluetooth; mode "default"
## Settings // Exit Settings Mode // Escape or <Ctrl> g ##
bindsym Escape mode "default"
bindsym Ctrl+g mode "default"
bindsym $mod+F11 mode "Settings"; $run alluvium --mode Settings --quit-on-default
The first binding toggles the overlay while the binding to $mod+F11
enters the settings
mode with an overlay showing the bindings available in that mode. --quit-on-default
makes the overlay disappear when you return to default mode. This is most helpful for
rarely used modes such as system settings as above or a mode to manage i3 itself.
The config syntax is the same as in remontoire, that is
## <Group> // <Label> // <Keys> ##
with an extension to define modes. If a group contains a binding with a label of Enter ... Mode
, alluvium recognizes the group as a mode. The enter binding shows up in the
group in the top level display while the other bindings of the group are shown
when you enter the mode.
- Package created as:
Install with your favorite pacman helper (yay
, etc).
$ yay|pikaur|trizen -S alluvium-git