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Strongly Typed GraphQL with Apollo



Setup docker:

cd backend
TODO: docker setup

Install client dependencies:

cd frontend
yarn dev


To get this project running locally, you will need setup docker to run the backend server.

docker-compose up

Start the frontend server

yarn dev


We use Apollo's GraphQL implementation on server and client.

Apollo is a GraphQL client that allows you to easily query the exact data you need from a GraphQL server. In addition to fetching and mutating data, Apollo analyzes your queries and their results to construct a client-side cache of your data, which is kept up to date as further queries and mutations are run, fetching more results from the server.

We integrate Apollo with Next by wrapping our pages inside a higher-order component (HOC). Using the HOC pattern we're able to pass down a central store of query result data created by Apollo into our React component hierarchy defined inside each page of our Next application.

On initial page load, while on the server and inside getInitialProps, we invoke the Apollo method, getDataFromTree. This method returns a promise; at the point in which the promise resolves, our Apollo Client store is completely initialize.

On loading each route, we perform a user query to see if the current visitor is logged in (based on a cookie, more on that in a moment). Depending on the query result, and the route, the user may be redirected to a different page.

When creating an account, both the createUser and signinUser mutations are executed on our backend, which returns a token that can be used to authenticate the user for future requests. The token is stored in a cookie for easy access (_note: This may have security implications.).

A similar process is followed when signing in, except signinUser is the only mutation executed.

It is important to note the use of Apollo's resetStore() method after signing in and signing out to ensure that no user data is kept in the browser's memory.


The withData() HOC must wrap a top-level component from within the pages directory. Wrapping a child component with the HOC will result in a Warning: Failed prop type: The prop 'serverState' is marked as required in 'WithData(Apollo(Component))', but its value is 'undefined' error. Down-tree child components will have access to Apollo, and can be wrapped with any other sort of graphql(), compose(), etc HOC's.


WIP: Next.js, Apollo Client, Apollo Server, Typescript

Docker Commands

docker build -t auth-backend .

docker run --name auth auth-backend