Releases: martin-lueders/ML_modules
GUI updated
This release is mainly GUI update to the same look as the Pro Series.
It also contains a bug fix in the 3-fold trigger switches,
Version 0.6.1
Update to Version 0.6.1:
New Modules:
- Trigger Switch 8x3 -> 1x3
- Trigger Switch 1x3 ->8x3
Enhanced features:
- BPM tools has new menu switch for high resolution swing setting.
- Knobs for integer values now snap
- CV input for Counter and Evolution now working correctly.
version 0.5.4
Some bugfixes (Trigger Buffer and Trigger Delay) and improvements of display readability.
Trigger Delay now has a 1ms minimum trigger length.
new modules added
This release adds 4 new modules:
Sum8 Mk II:
a summer which also allows to switch between adding and subtracting each input.
a 8-fold A/B switch, controlled by a input voltage for each channel. The switching threshold can be set by a knob or CV input.
Triggered Switch 8->1 and 1->8:
Routing switches where the active channel is selected by a trigger pulse.
OctaTrig added
OctaTrig is a module which transforms Gate signals into trigger pulses, with one output for rising and falling edge, as well as both edges.
initialization problems fixed
There were problems (in particular with the Counter) that some values had not been initialized. This should be fixed now.
first release for Rack 0.5.0
Same modules are latest release, but compiled for 0.5.0.
Might still have some bugs, please let me know as a new issue.
new release for 0.4.0
This new release contains some graphics updates, as well as a couple of new modules:
Evolution: a module based on my Turing patch, containing a shift register which is progressed on every trigger. The first entry is either taken from an existing (some steps down, determined by he length parameter), or with a given probability (REPLACE) from one of the inputs A or B. A more
BPM-tools: A beat per minute detector, which outputs 3 clock (same beat, and some multiple of it, including swing) as well as CV values to synchronise an Fundamental LFO , SEQ-3, or DELAY.
OctaFLop: a 8-fold flip-flop, which is internally wired to work as binary counter, if no further inputs are connected.
S&H 8: a simple set of 8 sample and hold modules.
A more detailled description of the modules will follow.
Documentation of some modules can be found here:
New modules: Counter and Trigger delay.
The binaries are compiled for Rack 0.4.0.
The pack includes two new modules: Counter and Trigger Delay.
For more into, see:
Alternative mode for 1to8 switch added
I added an alternative mode to the 1->8 switch. The modes are accessible through the menu:
"Zero" means that inactive outputs send a voltage of 0V.
"Last" means that inactive outputs send the last voltage.