The ResourceSync Simulator simulates a changing data source. Currently, it supports create, update, and delete events.
The simulator implements the Observer Pattern, which means that the simulator notifies a number of registered observers about change events. It takes the following parameters:
- resources: the number of seed resources contained in the data sources inventory (default: 100)
- frequency: the number of events per second (default: 1)
- event type(s): what kind of events it should simulate (default: ALL)
- simulations: the number of simulations to run (default: infinite)
Install the Tornado web server library:
sudo easy_install tornado
Get the ResourceSync Simulator from Github:
git clone git://
Change to the ResourceSync Simulator directory and make sure that the start script is executable:
cd resync-simulator
chmod u+x rs-simulator
Run the simulator with default settings:
... and view the changing inventory at: http://localhost:8888
Publish events to registered publishers
./rs-simulator -p
Run 5 simulation iterations with 10 seed resources, a frequency of 2 events per second, and only create events
./rs-simulator -p -s 5 -r 10 -f 2 -t create
Terminate simulation when running in infinite mode: