The application is a very simple app made in Kotlin, that fetches news from a news api and puts the results in a list. Every article shown on the list is a cardview that also shows the article title and description. When an article is tapped an in-app web-view is shown. Below is the criteria for completion.
Create a small news application that makes use of the API for retrieving news data. The application should be able to show a scrollable list of news stories with a corresponding image. Further, it should be possible to tap a news story and have it open in an in-app webview.
Moreover, the project should make use of the following concepts / libraries:
- The MVVM architecture
- Retrofit for networking
- RecyclerView for the list of news stories
- Glide for image handling
For bonus points, the project can make use of the following (this isn’t required, but it refers to technologies we use at Adapt):
Extra things added:
- Groupie
- Databinding