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🧑‍💻 [ADVANCED CHALLENGE] REST APIs - Read an account's pending payouts

Submission Requirements

Provide a link to a Gist or Github repository that demonstrates a script to calculate pending payouts by sending HTTP requests to a local Sidecar instance.


Script directory

Gist of dart script

Start a Local Kusama Node

Clone polkadot repo and run local kusama node as seen below.

Run with Kusama

./target/release/polkadot --chain=kusama

local kusama node running

Start a Local Sidecar Instance

Clone sidecar repo and run local sidecar instance as seen below.

As I ran it with Docker, then we need to update .env.docker with this added SAS_SUBSTRATE_WS_URL=wss:// to it. This is because we will use the Kusama network.

Follow this section on how to build and run Sidecar with Docker.

local sidecar instance running

Running Script

Follow the dart_script on how to run the script.

dart script running