This is the R package for the prediction of the probability of HAND for given patients from sets of HIV envelope C2V3C3 sequences.
- Users should prepare following files; (1) env C2V3C3 alignment in FASTA format; (2) metadata; (3) sample source category design sheet.
- Users are recommended to prepare their alignment using HIVAlign tool with the HMM-align checkbox checked.
- The metadata should contain columns named as 'SequenceID', 'Clinical.Status' and 'Sample.Tissue'.
- The sample shource design sheet should contain columns named as 'Sample.Tissue' and 'Sample.Tissue.Category'. Currently, only supported Sample.Tissue.Category values are 'CNS', 'Blood', 'Lymph', and 'Others'.
- Install the latest version of R (>=3.4.1) and RStudio.
- Upgrade Bioconductor to the latest version (>=3.5).
- Install the package HANDPrediction.
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
# Alternatively, please download this repository as a Zip file, unzip it to the directory you want, and run the following command.
- Masato Ogishi and Hiroshi Yotsuyanagi. Prediction of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND) from three genetic features of envelope gp120 glycoprotein. Retrovirology. 2018 Jan 27;15(1):12. doi: 10.1186/s12977-018-0401-x.